If you’re anything like me, Mondays often feel like the hardest day of the week. Out of desperation to attempt to get some control, I found myself always searching for tips on how to have an amazing Monday.
It took me years to figure out how to take back control of Monday and change the way I start my week. I used to wake up feeling completely overwhelmed by everything that needed to be done, but over time, I’ve learned how to make Mondays work for me instead of against me. Of course, having older kids helps a little—my teens are independent now—but with a toddler in tow, I’m definitely not out of the crazy woods just yet! Crazy age gap, anyone?
Calendars, planners, scheduling tools, and preparing the night before have all played a big role in helping me stay sane and set the tone for the week. If Mondays make you feel like you’re drowning in chaos, I’ve got some tips that can help you take back control. With a little planning, you can turn Monday into a day you look forward to and start your week with ease!
How to Have an Amazing Monday: Here are my 6 Tips to Get You Going
1. Start Your Monday on Sunday Evening
One of the best ways to ensure a successful Monday is to start preparing the night before. Sunday evenings can be a great time to set yourself up for a smooth start to the week. Here’s how:
- Plan Your Monday To-Do List: Before going to bed on Sunday, take a few minutes to jot down the key tasks you need to accomplish on Monday. Focus on three to five essential items that will make you feel accomplished by the end of the day.
- Prep Meals in Advance: If you can, prepare breakfast and lunch for Monday on Sunday night. Baked egg cups are a lifesaver (you know I love them!), and they’re easy to make ahead of time. Having meals ready to go will save you time and reduce stress in the morning.
- Lay Out Clothes for You and the Kids: Choosing outfits for you and your little ones the night before can save precious time in the morning. It’s one less decision to make when you’re trying to get everyone out the door. When it comes to getting dressed, I like to keep it simple—most days, I’m rocking my mom uniform, especially if I’m staying home. My go-to? These black, buttery soft leggings paired with any oversized sweatshirt I can grab. Wearing the same thing every day might seem a little boring, but if it helps cut through the chaos of the morning, I am all for it!
2. Wake Up Before the Kids (Even if It’s Just for 15 Minutes)
I know how tempting it is to hit snooze, but waking up even 15 minutes before your kids can make a world of difference. This was the biggest game changer for me. During the pandemic, when everyone was home, I quickly realized that I needed alone time to stay sane. That quiet space in the morning is what truly makes me a better wife and mom. Spending time with Jesus, reading my Bible, and praying helps direct my heart, steps, and attitude for the day. It’s this morning time that grounds me and sets the tone for everything that follows.
- Start with Prayer or Meditation: Begin your day with a few moments of prayer, meditation, or deep breathing. Connecting with God first thing in the morning can bring peace and clarity to the day ahead.
- Enjoy a Hot Cup of Coffee: There’s something about sipping a warm cup of coffee in peace that feels like a luxury. Take those few minutes to savor your coffee, whether you’re enjoying it while reading a devotion or just sitting in quiet reflection.
3. Keep Your Morning Routine Simple
A simple morning routine is key to reducing Monday morning stress. With little kids running around, the simpler, the better!
- Focus on the Essentials: Identify the non-negotiables in your morning routine—whether it’s getting dressed, eating breakfast, or packing bags—and stick to them. If anything extra doesn’t get done, that’s okay.
- Involve the Kids: If your kids are old enough, involve them in the morning routine. Encourage them to dress themselves, brush their teeth, and pack their bags. This fosters independence and lightens your load.
- Skip the Screen Time: As tempting as it may be to use TV or tablets as a distraction, try to avoid screens in the morning. It can slow everyone down and make it harder to transition out the door.
4. Tackle Your Biggest Task First
Once you’ve got the kids settled and your day underway, tackle your biggest task first. This might be something you’ve been dreading or a priority project that needs your full attention.
- The Power of Momentum: When you tackle a big task early in the day, you build momentum that can carry you through the rest of Monday. Plus, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment that can boost your mood for the rest of the day.
- Break It Down: If the task feels overwhelming, break it down into smaller steps. Focus on completing one step at a time, and before you know it, you’ll have made significant progress.
5. Give Yourself Grace
No matter how well you prepare, Mondays can still be tough. Give yourself grace if things don’t go as planned.
- Be Flexible: If your day doesn’t go exactly as you hoped, that’s okay. Be flexible and adjust your expectations as needed. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection.
- Practice Self-Compassion: It’s easy to be hard on yourself when things go wrong, but try to practice self-compassion. Speak to yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend in a similar situation.
6. End Your Monday with Gratitude
As the day comes to a close, take a moment to reflect on the positives. Ending your Monday with gratitude can set a positive tone for the rest of the week.
- Reflect on the Day: What went well today? What small victories did you achieve? Even if the day was challenging, there’s always something to be grateful for.
- Write It Down: Consider keeping a gratitude journal where you jot down a few things you’re thankful for each day. It’s a simple practice that can shift your focus from what went wrong to what went right.
Final Thoughts
Mondays don’t have to be overwhelming. With a little preparation, a positive mindset, and plenty of grace, you can turn your Monday into a day you look forward to. Remember, as moms, we’re often our own toughest critics, but it’s important to be kind to ourselves. By following these tips, you can go from googling, “how to have an amazing Monday” to being well on your way to having an amazing Monday that sets the tone for a great week ahead.
What are your thoughts? Share in the comments your top tips on how to have an amazing Monday!
xoxo, Erin
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